The final module of the Digital Leadership Development Training Programme introduces TSO leaders to financial planning concepts, tools and opportunities for attracting financial support, the role of digital fundraising, and how these systems can be used to support NGO fundraising activities.
The module informs TSO leaders of the tools and opportunities which can be used for attracting financial support, as well as basic investment strategies. In addition, the module outlines the initial steps needed to start a digital fundraising campaign, and provides valuable perspectives of NGOs, donors, and how they work with each other.

Moreover, the module provides essential knowledge on the role of a financial plan, financial strategy, and benefits of planning for investment in digital tools and opportunities. Furthermore, the module highlights different points on fundraising methodology, strategies, trends, and tips for getting started.
As it is critical that Third Sector Organisations have the funding they need to enjoy a sustainable future, the Leader SEEDS Funding and Financing Module offers valuable insight and instruction on effective financial practices that can be implemented in TSO operations which could broaden their scope of fundraising support.